Get involved with our Missions Projects! Contact Dee Stafford at carolst139@aol.com
Methodist Kids Association: Margaret Willis Elementary School
Mondays, 2:30pm-4:30pm
Hand-in-Hand Reading Tutoring - Margaret willis Elementary school
Quarterly Mission Focus: Each quarter our church family focuses on a specific outreach project.
Hay day for missions: on the 2nd Sunday of each month our congreation enjoys a fellowship meal at 12:00pm and we assemble food packs for the back pack buddy program at walker spivey elementary school.
Care Clinic: our church provides a meal for the 25 volunteers at the care clinic 6 times per year.
JULIET Meal Groups
Join other women for a “Dutch-treat” fellowship meal on the 1st Thursday at 6 pm or the 3rd Monday at noon. Locations vary by month.
Wise Women Trivia Night
We meet once a month at Dirt Bag Ale's Trivia Night on the 1st Tuesday. Trivia starts at 7 pm. Food and drink are available for purchase, trivia is free! No trivia skills are needed. Contact Amanda Jackson for more info!
United Women In Faith
UWIF’s purpose involves spiritual growth, supportive fellowship, and participation in local, national and international missions. Contact President Martha Goetz for more information.
United Methodist Men
Men’s Prayer Breakfast - Saturdays, 8:00am, Fellowship Hall
ROMEO (Real Overworked Men Eating Out Together) - 12 Noon at the Carolina Ale House on the 3rd Monday of each month.
Weekly Bible Studies
We have various groups that meet on a weekly basis. If you would like more information, please reach out to pastor@haystreetchurch.org
Adult Chancel Choir
Choir Room 7:00pm Rehearsal on Wednesdays and 10:00am on Sundays. Please contact Dr. Jaeyoon Kim at music@haystreetchurch.org.
Praise and Worship Team
Gym Stage, 7:30pm Rehearsal on Wednesdays and 8:00am on Sundays. Please contact Mr. Gene Berrier at pwl@haystreetchurch.org for more information.
Handbell Choir
Interested in the Handbell Choir? They typically practice on Wednesdays at 6 pm. Please contact Dr. Jaeyoon Kim for details.
Other Ministries
Congregational Care Ministry
The purpose of this ministry is to nurture members of our church family who are homebound.
Wednesday Evening Fellowship (WEF)
WEF is a midweek gathering on the first Wednesday of the month consisting of a catered fellowship meal, followed by a speaker or program.
History Room
Hay Street has an extensive history room with records dating more than 100 years. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out to our Church Historian Rae Ann Schmitt.
Exercise and Fitness
Exercise Strength and Balance Fitness Class
Tuesdays and Thursday, Gym from 9:30am-10:30am
The Marriage Course
Hay Street UMC is excited to partner with Alpha USA to offer The Marriage Course! Our first course, which concluded in September of 2024, had nineteen couples participating. We look forward to offering additional courses. We hope every couple in our congregation and community will prayerfully consider joining us for The Marriage Course. The course is designed by Nicky and Sila Lee to be relevant to any couple wanting to invest in their relationship and make it stronger. Nicky says, “The course is based on a Christian, biblical understanding of love. That love is not just about our feelings, but about action, making sacrifices for the sake of someone else, controlling our anger, being quick to listen, not burying our hurt, but talking to our partner about it, owning our faults and forgiving each other.”
You are invited to treat each session like a date night with an opportunity to converse with the person you love in ways that will enhance your life together. Each session starts with something to eat or drink followed by a video talk interspersed with times for private conversations for each couple. You will not be asked to discuss anything about your relationship with anyone other than your partner.
Every couple is invited to join the course, regardless of marital status or religious faith.
In a global survey of the over 1.7 million people from 127 countries and 45 languages, who have participated in either The Marriage Course or The Pre-Marriage Course, 99% of couples reported that it had a positive impact on their relationship.
Hay Street Book Club
Join others in reading and discussing a great book. We meet monthly at City Center Gallery & Books on the 1st Sunday at 5:30 pm.