Learn, live, and LOVE LIKE JESUS!

The purpose of this ministry is to build young disciples for Christ by developing and implementing a comprehensive approach to children’s ministries. We believe that children are an essential part to our church’s future and the foundation of strong servants for Christ.

We strive to give each child a strong foundation in the Christian faith through child centered lessons and activities. Our program desires to teach each child that God loves them and that they have a divine purpose. The program also uses life scenarios in order to build strong children who can stand courageously in this very difficult world.

Safer Sanctuaries 

Hay Street UMC is committed to intentional practices that help create safer spaces for all ministry participants, especially our children and youth.


Children’s Church is offered each Sunday following the Moments with the Children during the

11:00 am Traditional Worship Service.

Sunday School

Join us at 10:00am each Sunday in the Preschool, K-Grade 2 Class or Grades 3-5 Class!

A Nursery is provided for younger children during our Worship Services and Sunday School Classes.

Upcoming Events!

Registration is now open for Vacation Bible School for kids ages Prek - 5th grade and an Adult Bible Study!

Our evening adventure will take place from Monday, June 24 - Thursday, June 27!

A light meal will be served from 5:30pm -6:00pm. VBS and an adult bible study will be held from 6:00pm - 8:00pm.