A Message from Pastor David Woodhouse

Welcome to our website!

I hope you are able to find some helpful information here. We would love for you to join us in following Christ and “Sharing God’s love from the heart of the community!” We have small groups for study, fellowship, missions, and discipleship.

We gather to worship on Sunday mornings at 9 am in the Fellowship Hall and at 11 am in the Sanctuary. Both are located at 320 Hay Street in Fayetteville, NC. Please know that we would gladly welcome you!

Peace in Christ,


Position Available:


Organist/Pianist for traditional worship services.  Part-time includes Wednesday nights, Sunday mornings, Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday and other times as needed.  


Send resumes to:

Music, Hay Street United Methodist Church,

320 Hay Street, Fayetteville, NC 28301

or music@haystreetchurch.org.


Join us for these Upcoming Events:

cumberland County CROP Hunger Walk, march 30, 2 pm,

At First Baptist Church

Pembroke singers spring Concert, April 13, 4 PM,

In Hay Street UMC Sanctuary

Where to View Livestream Services

We livestream both services every Sunday at 9 am and 11 am. So, you may be wondering how or where to watch our services - it’s as easy as 1-2-3!

1) Choose which platform you'd like to watch us on (YouTube or Facebook - it's up to you!)
2) Click on one of the links to go directly to our respective pages
3) Experience worship with our Hay Street family collectively online!

If for any reason you are having issues connecting or you would like some additional help with connecting online, please feel free to email us at (office@haystreetchurch.org) and we'll be glad to get you connected.

FIrst Time Visitors

If you are considering visiting Hay Street UMC for the first time, find the information you need to make the morning as smooth as possible. 

Check Us Out→

Worship Services

We offer two very different worship experiences on Sunday, both Christ centered and life affirming.

Learn More About Our 9 am and 11 am Services →